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A Crash Course in Mystery Shopping

Crash Course in Mystery Shopping

My first week on the job, our company president Mike took me on a practice mystery shop. That day we went to lunch, and while we were there, I was supposed to act like a mystery shopper evaluating the restaurant. We went over the guidelines and the evaluation form before we left, and I asked all the questions I could think of. Pen in hand, I felt nervous but reasonably ready to tackle the world of mystery shopping.

Not long into lunch, the challenges of performing a shop became apparent and I found it wasn’t as straightforward as it seemed. There was a lot to observe and remember, and in the weeks since, I’ve heard similar observations from new shoppers. So, for my first blog as a Customer Impact editor, I thought it would be useful to talk about the lessons I learned on my crash course in mystery shopping. If you’ve yet to do a shop and don’t know what to expect, here’s your chance to learn what I learned the hard way!

I definitely feel that this exercise helped prepare me for my job as an editor. Being on the other side of an evaluation showed me what sorts of things I should be looking for in a survey, but it also gave me an appreciation for what it takes to perform a good mystery shop. It would take me a lot more practice to hone my skills into those of an experienced mystery shopper, but just that one trip opened my eyes to the patterns and pitfalls of a shop.

So, shoppers, whether you’re new to shopping or a seasoned veteran, we’d love to hear from you! What are your concerns before shopping a new location? Do you have any memories or impressions of your first foray into mystery shopping that you’d like to share? Leave us a comment below!

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