Many mystery shoppers have asked us why they have to obtain a receipt in order to be paid for their mystery shop. There are several excellent reasons. For the schedulers and editors, the receipt is a confirmation of a completed mystery shopping assignment. It shows that you completed the shop at the proper location, during the proper time frame. It assures us, as well as our client, that you followed the instructions properly and did the shop correctly.
For you as a shopper, a receipt is your record of any reimbursement you are owed for the assignment. We know how important it is for you to be paid properly, and this assures that that will occur. It is proof for YOUR records that you completed the shop properly as well.
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Some mystery shopping companies may require you to mail in your receipts. If that is the case, it is in your best interest to mail a clear photocopy and keep the original for yourself. You want to have a copy of the proof of your shop as well! Most companies will ask that you scan and email your receipt or fax it in. Either way, always keep the copy for your records until you have been properly paid for the assignment.
How do you like to store your mystery shop receipts? Do you file the originals, have a folder on your computer for scanned copies? What are some tips you may have for shoppers who complete multiple assignments in a month and have multiple receipts to store?
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