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What’s My Shopper Rating, and Why Should I Care?


Written by Barbry-Ellen Booth, Scheduling Manager

What is it?

Every mystery shopping company has their own, individual shopper rating system.  They do not carry over from one company to the next. Shoppers can find their average rating in the upper right-hand side of their shop log.


All new Customer Impact shoppers start off with a default rating of 5.  The schedulers are aware of this, so don’t worry about having a low rating.  If you do well on your first shop, your rating will go up!

Every report is evaluated and given a rating by the editor.  Ratings can also be added to the shopper’s shop log in the form of a citation.  Although citation might sound negative, there are good citations, bad citations and neutral citations.  Each rating in a shopper’s shop log is averaged together to formulate the average shopper rating.  The maximum rating a shopper can receive is a 10.  10 is perfection, meaning the report required no revisions from the shopper and no questions from the editor.  The lowest rating a shopper can receive is a 1.

What can affect my rating?

There are many things that can affect your shopper rating, but here are a few examples:

Why should I care?

Your shopper rating determines what shops you qualify for.  Since we cannot personally interview every shopper, we must rely on ratings and past performances in order to determine who gets what shops.  Retail and fast-food shops are often assigned to new shoppers (rating of 5) to get them started.  The fine dining shops are more of a reward for the shoppers with a high rating (9 or 10 preferably).  All shoppers are encouraged to keep their rating at 8 or above in order to be considered for most shops that we offer.  When reviewing applications, the higher your shopper rating, the greater your chances are of being selected for one of those types of shops.

What can I do to ensure a high rating?

Have you ever received a low shopper rating from a company, but were given no explanation as to why?

Has feedback on past reports from other mystery shopping companies helped you improve your report writing skills?

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