Mystery Shopping is a valuable tool, which provides owners and operators of service businesses with a fair, objective and unbiased view of their operations through the eyes of an educated consumer. Companies use the detailed reports to make important management decisions based on the information provided.
Your job as a Mystery Shopper will be to visit a specific operation as a regular customer and fully describe the events you witness. Before completing the assignment, you will be informed or given a summary of the specific company’s standard operating procedures, i.e. what the employees are supposed to be doing, so you will know what to look for. After the visit, you will complete a customized report for each operation detailing the events, both positive and negative.
The success of Customer Impact has been built on the quality and timeliness of the reports the company provides to its clients. All reports must be clear, concise and honest. Remember that it is not your job to be an overzealous food critic, chastise the service personnel, or to be a judge and jury. Your function is to provide accurate and factual information, using the guidelines provided. All work performed is strictly confidential. You are advised not to tell friends and family where you are performing evaluations or the results of the visits. Doing so may compromise the integrity of the reports and your future with Customer Impact.