Retail Merchandiser Spotlight
Here at Customer Impact, we have the daily privilege of interacting with some amazing people.
The “Retail Merchandiser Spotlight” is an opportunity to recognize these outstanding field representatives, and get to know them on a more personal level.
These individuals are our most dependable and high-volume Retail Merchandisers completing in-store projects across the country.
Read below to learn more about them and their journey with Customer Impact.
John E.
Where do you currently live?
Spring, TX — which is a suburb of Houston, Texas.
Please tell us a bit about yourself.
I was born in Houston, Texas. I love my city and my country. I’m proud to be an American. I love what I do for a living and enjoy it every day.
Please tell us a bit about your family (pets included).
I have a wife of 17 years, a daughter who just graduated high school, and a 13-year-old son who eats everything he sees and stays slim somehow. We have a family dog named Sangria. She is a chihuahua and is crazy as can be but so cute and cuddly.

John’s Experience With Customer Impact
How did you discover Customer Impact?
While working a desk job with a lot of time on my hands, I was basically searching for mystery shopping companies on Google and Customer Impact came up. This was in 2005 before Customer Impact transitioned into a Retail Services company.
What made you decide to work with Customer Impact?
During the start of COVID in early 2020, I lost my job in the trucking business because the company I was working for shut down. One day, I was speaking to [the team] at Customer Impact and was told that they had work and could keep me busy. I gave it a chance and haven’t looked back.
What do you like most about being a Retail Merchandiser?
The freedom of picking and choosing what I want to do and making my own schedule. The work is easy and fun for the most part. I enjoy interacting with people and doing something different each day. I love the change of scenery as I usually travel out far on a regular basis and see new things that I haven’t seen before.
What’s something you find challenging about Retail Merchandising?
Taking on multiple projects and tasks all at once and figuring out how to do everything by the deadline.
Do you have any helpful tips for people starting as a Retail Merchandiser?
I would suggest testing things out by taking on a small sampling of the work you’re interested in to make sure it fits your goals and needs first before trying to do too much. I would stick close to home or areas that you are comfortable in before branching out. I would also suggest that you understand the basic IRS rules and tax advantages for working as an independent contractor. You receive a lot of tax breaks and advantages as an independent contractor.
Please don’t get discouraged if you apply for a job or an assignment and you don’t get accepted. Don’t take it personally as there are many other people applying for these same opportunities. Just stay with it and keep going. Don’t give up. Reach out to Customer Impact and tell them that you’re available if the opportunities become open for some reason. This happens more often than you think.
Stay in contact with your schedulers when things don’t go as planned. Call Customer Impact (phone ext. 6) and let them know what the issue is.
Set some realistic goals and stick to them. Write them down.
What other gig-work have you done?
I’m currently involved with over 100 gig-work companies. There are too many to name and the things I have done in the past would be a whole other conversation. How much time do you have for that? (Haha!)
Getting To Know John
What are three things most people don’t know about you?
- I hate talking about politics.
- My wife and I invest in real estate.
- We’ve owned multiple successful small businesses in the past.
What motivates or inspires you?
Successful people inspire me. I love reading success stories of people who have achieved or accomplished something. My motivation comes from wanting more for my family and myself. If you want to be wealthy, then you must do things to become wealthy.
What are your hobbies or interest?
Real Estate Investing, Cruising, and Becoming Wealthy.
What’s your favorite holiday or season, and why?
Spring is nice because the weather is usually great. I like Christmas too because it seems like most people are in a better mood during this time.
What is the greatest challenge you have overcome in your life, thus far?
I had to get away from the mindset where I had to do what other people wanted me to do instead of what I wanted to do. I had to get over the Monday through Friday 40-hour work week mindset and just work when I’m able and it’s convenient for me. I no longer care if I work nights or weekends.
What is one small change you’ve made in your life that had a much bigger impact than you had anticipated?
I quit watching television and anything on the TV in 2020 and it has been a blessing. Television is a waste of time. I don’t even miss it.
What are you proud of, but have never had an excuse to talk about?
(Yes, this is your time to brag)
That I have not had to get a real job since I lost my last job. This new life has worked out so far. I’m not looking back, and I don’t have a plan B. My wife quit her job in May of 2021. We do this gig work together and love it.
Name one thing you’re willing to spend more money on to make sure you get the best quality.
Trash bags, never buy the cheap ones. Spend the money to get the good ones. You’ll thank me later.
The Fun Questions
Which actor would you want to play you in a movie about your life?
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson because he would make me look really cool.
What is the most useless talent you have?
I can tell the difference between the beginning of the songs “Ice Ice Baby” by Vanilla Ice, and “Under Pressure” by Queen. They start off similar but not the same.
What three items would you take with you on a deserted island?
My wife, the dog, and a never-ending supply of Reggae music.
What is one superpower you would NOT want, and why?
X-ray vision, because I just don’t need to see what you’re trying to hide.
If you could have only three apps on your phone, what would they be?
A reliable map service, YouTube, and an email account.
Interested in becoming a Retail Merchandiser?
Check out the links below for more information: