New Curbside Shopping Experiences
“For many stores, curbside pickup of online purchases has been a lifeline. But a few are going a step farther, building up their window displays and adding colorful touches to sidewalk services to bring back some of the serendipity and fun of pre-pandemic shopping.”
Major Retailers Requiring Masks
“Most major retailers and grocers have hesitated to enact their own mask mandates for customers during the pandemic, partly over fears of antagonizing shoppers who refuse to wear them. Retailers have said they are reluctant to put their employees in the position of enforcing mask requirements.
Back-to-School Spending
“Parents may not yet know whether their children will be sitting in a classroom, or at the dining room table, when classes resume later this year.
But after many schools were forced shut by the coronavirus pandemic in the spring, they’re undoubtedly looking at back-to-school supplies a bit differently in 2020.
The result of the shift: Spending is predicted to hit a record this back-to-school season, as parents stock up on expensive technology like laptops, tablets and headphones.”
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