Major Brands & Retailers Join the ‘Blackout Tuesday’ Movement

Business Insider — Major brands and retailers join the ‘Blackout Tuesday’ movement with some closing stores and urging employees to protest peacefully
“Instagram was flooded with posts of black squares on Tuesday as social media users around the world participated in the so-called Blackout Tuesday protest.”
Walmart Removes Firearms From Sales Floor
“Walmart said it’s removed firearms and ammunition from some of its stores’ sales floors, as protests sparked by the death of George Floyd continue across the U.S. and in some cases, have led to looting.
The big-box retailer said Wednesday that the items are still available for purchase, but are now kept in a secure room.”
Shoppers Can Expect Big Clearance Sales

“A glut of pent-up inventory is waiting to be dumped on consumers this summer as retail stores reopen in the U.S., and shoppers for everything from shoes to sofas should be able to find major bargains.”
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