By Amanda Hendrix-Black, Customer Impact Editor

Job Fair Hosted at Texas A&M University
A few weeks ago, Customer Impact attended a part time job fair hosted at Texas A&M University. We made stack of fliers and a stack of tri-fold pamphlets, grabbed a few sticky note squares with our logo, and packed a banner. Among close to 40 other employers from both on and off campus, we sat waiting for the rush of college students eager to make some money.
Some mystery shoppers shop full time, some shop to make ends meet, some do it for fun, and some do it to put a little cash in their pockets. We were ready to sell whatever angle we could. I’ll be the first to admit that it was a bit intimidating at first. You try explaining and selling the concept and benefits of mystery shopping in 30 seconds or less! Mystery shopping is a dense concept. There’s a lot that goes in to each step of becoming a shopper, shopping, and getting what you came for – your money! After the first 50 students or so, we were definitely getting the hang of it.
Some students obviously knew this was not for them. They thanked us for our time and moved on. Other students handed us their resume, which we explained was not necessary, but we’d take it! Some students’ eyes lit up at the idea of getting paid to shop and eat. Girls loved the idea of getting something cute to wear on game day, and guys loved the idea of taking their girlfriend out for free. Whether or not they choose to disclose that information would be at their own risk!
Either way, talking to students about mystery shopping was fun, and letting college kids know that they could be in charge of when they shop, where they shop, how often, and how much was extremely appealing to them. The idea of being able to do it anywhere, even when they went home for the holidays, especially caught their attention. When I talk to people about the company I work for and what we do, most think that shopping is for retired folks or stay at home moms and dads, but it’s not. It’s for everyone.
College students especially can take away a lot from the experience, including free food, control of their time and money, and a little writing practice while they’re at it. Of course, college students aren’t the only ones who take away these benefits, but they have a different resonance for them. It was so much fun to get to talk to these kids, these future shoppers, and create a face for Customer Impact in the community. If you have a college student looking for extra cash, get them in on mystery shopping!
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