Mobile Payment Demand

“U.S. retailers have been slower to adopt the technology than companies in other parts of the world, mainly due to the lack of updated hardware, according to Blackhawk. Historically among retailers, grocers are often the last to pick up on retail technology trends.”
Lego Therapy

“Lego, the world’s largest and most profitable toymaker, is zeroing in on a growing demographic: stressed-out adults. The 87-year-old Danish company increasingly bills its brightly colored bricks as a way to drown out the noise of the day and perhaps achieve a measure of mindfulness.”
Netflix & Chill
“Now one of the world’s most popular ice cream brands is piggybacking off the popularity of the phrase. Ben & Jerry’s has announced a new line of ice cream based on the Netflix brand, and the first flavor is–you guessed it–’Netflix & Chill’d.'”
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