By Adrienne Dobson, Customer Impact VP of Operations
Whether you’re a brand new shopper, just starting to test the waters of this industry, or you’re a seasoned veteran, shopping for 50 different companies, we want to see YOU at ShopperFest 2016! This will take place June 24-26 at the Tuscany Suites & Casino in Las Vegas, NV. At ShopperFest, you will have the opportunity to connect and network with shoppers from across the country AND representatives from multiple mystery shopping providers. This is what makes ShopperFest different from any other conference. You will receive tools, tips, and all kinds of advice directly from the MSPs themselves.
The MSPA Board has been hard at work putting together speakers and presentations to help you grow as a mystery shopper. There will be general sessions meant for all, as well as separate tracks for rookie and veteran shoppers. There will also be roundtables of MSP presidents and representatives. This is your chance to ask all of the questions that pop up when you are shopping throughout the week. How do we come up with the shop forms? Why do I have to comment on the No’s? Why do we have to shop during particular time frames? How do I write the perfect mystery shop? Have all of these questions answered and more, directly from the Mystery Shopping Providers in charge.
In addition to these presentations and roundtables, ShopperFest attendees also have the opportunity to receive certification in multiple areas! Since the MSPs themselves cannot supply training to you as an independent contractor, the MSPA has stepped up to fill that void. Education courses are now being provided in subjects like Professional Responsibility and Ethics, Professional Industry Writing, and Video Shopping.
The MSPA Board of Directors is looking forward to meeting and connecting with as many shoppers as possible, and we hope you are going to be one of them. I have been an attendee and a presenter for the past two conferences, and this year’s conference is going to be the best yet! Use the link below for information, and book your hotel today!
If you have any questions about the conference or what to expect, I would be happy to speak with you. Email me any time, and I will hopefully see you in Las Vegas!